PCL Board Minutes
Poinsett County Library Minutes
Tuesday, February 20, 2024
The Poinsett County Library board of Trustees met Tuesday; February 20, 2024 at 12PM at the West Poinsett County Library in Weiner. Attending the meeting; Dr. Jeannie Glover, Judy Rennicke, Hallie Orr, Scott Burcham, Sara Stewart, and Angie Lacy. A delicious meal was prepared by Ms. Rennicke.
Board Chair, Dr. Glover, called the meeting to order.
The October 11, 2023 minutes were reviewed. Mr. Burcham made the motion to accept the minutes, seconded by Mrs. Rennicke. None opposed, motion passed.
The financial reports for the end of the year were provided. Mrs. Rennicke made the motion to accept the reports, Mrs. Orr seconded the motion. None opposed, motion passed.
A former employee has inquired about being rehired for four months in order to be eligible for her five years of service for the Arkansas Public Employees Retirement System. There will be no action taken on this unless a position becomes available to consider this request. The resume’ will be kept on file for future reference.
The Interlocal agreement will be postponed until we hear more from the attorney, Don Mixon.
Ms. Lacy gave a report of the magic shows that the library has sponsored for three of the Poinsett County Senior Citizens. We’ve had good turnouts for Harrisburg and Tyronza. Marked Tree will be scheduled at a later date.
A motion was made by Mr. Burcham to pay half of the balance of the material detail budget mid-point of the year, and again pay the other half at the end of year according to the material expenditures. Mrs. Orr seconded the motion. None opposed, motion passed. Ms. Sara will check on the unused amount of the material balance for 2023.
A copy of the bi-laws was included to review for updates or changes to be made. Mr. Burcham made the motion to table the bi-laws until the next scheduled meeting to give time to review them. Mrs. Rennicke seconded the motion. None opposed, motion passed.
Re-electing officers will be done according to the updates of the bi-laws.
Mrs. Rennicke plans to give a recommendation for her replacement at the next meeting, as her term ends June 30, 2024.
Mrs. Orr made the motion to adjourn, seconded by Mr. Burcham. Motion passed.